Through The Trees Collective

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The 4 C’s: Calm, Contentment, Creativity, and Compassion

There as are so many books, gurus, and essays that espouse the “the way” - the steps to enlightenment. All have kernels of truth that many of us, as eager learners, adopt and practice.  And indeed many are valid steps to further one toward self-introspection and growth.

Yet, it is a very personal journey and there is no one singular way that works for everyone. The Universe is wise and gives us nudges, and prods to help us discover our own unique path that resonates with our own personal energy.  We each bring to the table our own palette of gifts, strengths, and challenges.  Whatever mantra or spiritual message works for one, may not necessarily work for another.

Yet, it seems there is a constancy among learnings that encapsulates the essence of all these rich lessons.  These four principles, call them the 4 C’s are:  Calm, Contentment, Creativity, and Compassion.

CALM:  The ability - even when our buttons are pushed - to pause, breathe, and let go of the ego, of being right. To remain still, and know there is a message, a reason behind everything.

CONTENTMENT: The understanding that more is often less.  That peace comes not from wanting or waiting for expectations to be filled, but from being respectful, honored, and content with the moment.  It also implies gratitude and appreciation for our blessings each day.  It is a slow, warm, and quiet feeling that everything is exactly as it should be.

CREATIVITY: The knowledge and belief that each person is capable of small and big creations that emerge from the heart, the soul, and from our “roots”.  It means curiosity about the how and why of our connections, and how both individually and collectively, we can problem solve and bring forth new beauty and life.

COMPASSION: The recognition that love permeates all beings, which are worthy of unconditional empathy and understanding.  You and I are linked - sharing souls, minds, and spirits as ONE. We are singular drops in an ocean of love and compassion.

These are simple definitions, as there is an inherent simplicity in their intent. The 4 C’s are woven in all the major religions and world philosophies shared throughout times.   These foundational values may be emphasized and worded differently, and their essence captured in different ways.  Certainly, these principles are augmented with many different layers and nuances of meaning.

Yet, there is a purity in these 4 concepts, that we believe are instrumental in evolving as fulfilled soul-driven individuals.