Up with Wisdom
Knowledge and Understanding… better than facts
Recently, I’ve been trying to listen more …recognizing I don’t really know it all. And I don’t always need to interrupt with my opinions, my expertise. Yet, there is so much knowledge out there today as Google easily make us “know-it-alls”. So many facts. Yet, it was Socrates who said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
Wisdom comes from carefully keeping our ears and eyes open and our mouths shut. Wisdom comes from observing… nature, trees, birds, the sea, people and places.
-There is wonderful healing wisdom understanding plants.
- There is deep knowledge from listening and understanding those who are different from us
- There is awareness and understanding from mindfulness… honoring the moment.
We need to seek to understand, interpret, and assimilate through listening and observing. It’s not always about book smarts or Wikipedia smarts, rather every day we have opportunities to learn from others, from experiences, from nature and the world around us.. These teachers help us understand ourselves and lead us toward wisdom and sound judgement. In fact, I think I’d rather be called a wise person than a smart one!